Standing Desk Friday

First day of Standing Desk...and So far I love it!
Obviously I'm really excited about this that it gets it's own post.

Please excuse my messy hair, no makeup, and my old dress. 

Weird thing, when I stand with my stomach up to the edge of the desk, I feel the tubing under my port.  I was careful to make sure the desk didn't hit at the same spot as my port at least!


  1. what kind of shoes are you wearing since you're going to be standing all day? I would love to do that--but my office wouldn't allow it (wrong set up).

    however, I am going to do the exercise ball seat.

    1. Hi Luka Beth, I'm tall so I never wear heels to work! On the rare occasion I did, I am sure I'd be standing here barefoot!

  2. I would love a standing desk! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  3. Yea so glad you got it! and you look pretty :)

  4. Ohhh I like it. I'm keen to see how it goes. I hear that its awesome.


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