Ten Things Thursday

1. I forgot to weigh in this morning, but my other weigh ins this week tell me the number on the scale really had not moved since last week.

2.  Yesterday my plans were kind of up in the air.  First, my mom talked about coming to visit.  Then Mr. Banker asked to come over.  Then a friend, Ashley, asked me to go to dinner.  My mom canceled, so I told Mr. Banker that Ashley had asked me to dinner, so he told me to go out with her.  I guess he wasn't expecting I would be at the restaurant for 4 hours because apparently he was planning to come over after my dinner.

3.  One of my favorite things about Lap Band is that I can usually go out to dinner for about $4 now.  If you don't have a card from your WLS that states you can eat from the kid's menu, you're missing out!

4.  I need a fill.  I'm hungry all the time right now.  I tried to move my appointment up, but they didn't have any openings.  I'm so thankful my PA will be back next month!  It's so much easier to get an appointment with her than my surgeon.

5.  Work is going better, but one of my only friends here resigned.  Her last day was Tuesday and I took over her two studies.  They are at least more interesting than the Oncology study I'm working on.

6.  I've joined the social committee at work in order to ensure that there are WLS friendly options when we have meals together--but of course did not tell them this is why.

7.  I need a vacation.  I'm pretty sure on pay day I'm going to buy a ticket to go visit my sisters in California.  Tickets right now are SUPER cheap.  $219 round trip nonstop from Raleigh-->Los Angeles.  Any LA bloggers out there?  I'm thinking Erica might be....

8.  Even going to Cali doesn't really feel like a vacation to me.  I need to be on a sandy warm beach somewhere sipping an alcoholic beverage....

9.  I had gotten pretty lazy, but was recommitting to running.  That was before I completely messed up my right foot and can hardly walk right now.  It may be a little while before I can run and I'm pretty bummed about that.  So I guess I need to commit to arm exercises.  One day, I'm going to be brave enough to post a picture of my bat wings.

10.  I was feeling good yesterday and took a photo in the bathroom at work.  I can honestly say I had never done that before and felt a little silly.  I love these jeans, since they are size 14 hand-me-downs from Old Navy.
This is in the car after work yesterday.
Sometimes I look at my face and I don't even see the same person anymore.
Other times, I look and don't think anything has changed at all.

Yesterday was a 'different girl' kind of day.


  1. you know, i did the form and stuff for the card and it never came. my friend got hers without issue--but mine is MIA. i really need to call and check on that. Thanks for the reminder! Sorry about your foot--but i'm totally with you on needing to tone up the arms!

  2. You look great girl! I found some great arm excerises on Pintrest... I have done a lot of them but not regular :( I get busy and by time I hit the gym dont feel like it so by time I get around to it, arms only get done really on weekends. i guess thats better than nothing

  3. You do look great!! I posted my bat wings on my run photo. Its unnerving now that everything seems to flap around. I actually lamented losing the girth that kept it all in place for about a nanosecond then I remembered a little friend called plastic surgery in my future. ;)

  4. Yes! I am! I live in Anaheim!! Where in Cali?

    1. Hey Erica,

      One sister is in Palmdale and the Other is in Simi Valley. I think you are closest to LAX than either of those areas right?

    2. Yes. I am about 45 mins away from LAX.

  5. You look beautiful! I'm sorry about your foot. I hope it gets better soon.

  6. You look so good!

    I've got one of those cards. I need to remember to use it!

  7. You look great girl!! I don't like to eat out anymore-- I always eat to fast I think because there is always SOOO much food. If I don't get soup I end up seeing more of the rest room than anything! Where in California are you headed? I am from Northern California and miss the mountains!

    1. Thanks Tammy! I've never made it up to Northern California! I always mean to, but it has yet to happen. I will definitely keep it on my to-do list though! This trip will be too short for that :-/

  8. Thanks for the protein shake suggestion on my blog Hollee! That is not something I had thought of. You look really great by the way! Sorry about your foot. I was pretty bummed when I was benched too. Love the bat wings comment! I totally have bat wings too! Does that make us superheros? I have one of those card. Do restaurants actually honor them? Thanks again for helping me :)

    1. I have never been to a restaurant that does not honor my card. I haven't tried buffets yet though, but I have been wanting to try it out. There's a Brazilian steakhouse that I love ($39 for adults, $15 for children) that I'm dying to try my card at. I'll definitely call first for that one!

  9. First time here! I saw the before and afters or i should say before and currents and looks great! Im kinda jelly of the $4 meals and screw that guy from the last post hes just jealous people are paying attention to you or something in the realm of that :D

  10. Thank you all for all of your support!


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