Some people are just assholes

I was reminded tonight why I had surgery. So that NO ONE can ever treat me like this in the future.
Yes, this was posted about me on Facebook today by someone who hasn't seen me in at least 4 years.

I got the notification on Facebook while Banker and I were eating dinner. I was almost in tears as I told him about being bullied by this guy during college. I could tell Banker was legitimately angry.  It's moments like these that I know he cares.  That he felt something over seeing me hurt.  And I'm glad I wasn't alone upon receiving that.
I can't understand bullying....I'm 25. I shouldn't have to continue to live through this elementary school nonsense. I thought of several responses to him, but at the end of the day, I'm better than that.
Not That It Matters, But I'm Not In The Photo Below, It Is Just A Meme someone Tagged Me In.


  1. Haters gonna hate. You are fabulous and we all know you have to be doing something right for the haters to show up.

  2. don't let this guy and his cruel words bring you down. bullies use the lack of something in their own lives to justify their treatement of others. I'm sorry that you had to go through this--but you are stronger, better, and absolutely awesome. You know who your friends are--don't waste time on the people who aren't worth the effort. ( i know it's hard to do--but fake it till you make it! it gets easier!). You have a guy that thinks you are gorgeous, you have people who love you. push mr. d-bag out of your head! Now! :)

  3. wow. this guy must be really insecure. Nice. Well - a good life is always the best revenge. Hurtfull yes, but not the reality. Hugs!!

  4. OMG Girl! That is so cruel. I am sorry but you ARE better than that I am proud of you. You look awesome!

  5. He's going to die old and alone in some crummy run down van down by the river.

  6. Wow this guy needs to get a life! He's obviously a very sad individual if he has nothing better to do than write nasty comments on Facebook. People can be cruel, but you can control whether you let them live inside your head rent free. Don't let him! You are on your way, and at least you are trying to better yourself, unlike him! Hugs.

  7. I'm sorry that happened to you... no one deserves that. And, yeah, when we're past about the age of 14 and still making fun of people, I think there's a serious self-esteem issue - on HIS part.

  8. Well clearly there is only one reason a guy this age would act like this.. His p***** is the size of a thumb and he needs to make fun of others to make himself feel better!! Sorry if that is a little over the top, but I hope it made you smile. You are a beautiful woman and I love reading your blog. Its inspirational and you have come so far in your WLJ. As a fellow bandster I know how tough this can be at times!! You just put this jerk out of your mind. Karma will get him..

  9. Thank you all for you support and encouragement. What he said didn't bother me the way it would've a year ago, but it still reminded me of all those times as a kid being bullied.

    And Tammy, thank you for that smile on my face!

  10. Oh Yes, and I did get the post removed from facebook also. I tagged it as "Harrassment" and apparently the FB team agreed :)


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