I < 3 Bootcamp

Good morning!

Yesterday was my third bootcamp class.  I'm kind of rocking this "drowning my sorrows in exercise" thing.  I had a rest day Sunday because Burn Bootcamp is closed on Sundays--my body was still pretty sore yesterday but pushed through and went to class anyway.

Every class is 4 workouts 4 times, another 4 workouts 3 times, then the hardest of 4 another 3-4 times, and then a cooldown.  So 12 different workouts and a cool down.  Each class also has a focus area.  Here's this week:

Monday - Athletic Conditioning/Core
Tuesday - Upper Body Circuit
Wednesday - Lower Body HIIT Training
Thursday - Core Conditioning/Agilities
Friday - Upper Body HIIT Training
Saturday - Plyometrics and Core

That Athletic Conditioning/Core class was NO JOKE!  But I pushed through and this morning I didn't wake up as sore as I have been, so that must be progress! 

I did twist my ankle (falling) in yesterday's class, so I'm going to have to take it easy on it today, but I AM going to class again today.  I guess it must be luck that we're working upper body today so that hopefully there won't be too much jumping.

Now if only my scale will realize I've been busting my ass!



  2. I am so glad you didn't wake up as sore! I went to CF last night and worked my ass off (hubby almost died, LOL) and woke up this morning without a single sore muscle. Keep at it!

  3. Good for you for getting your work out on! Broken hearts are the worst. You are doing great!

  4. Awesome job on the boot camp!!!! Ankles suck! Baby that one!


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