
Do you ever feel like you're re-inventing yourself every day that you make the right food choices?  Every day that you step on the scale?  Every work out?  Every time you log your food?

This isn't a diet, this is a little part of what I've spent the last 18 months of my life doing.  It has been a life over-haul.

I bought a home.

I removed some toxic people from my life.

I had surgery.

I started eating healthier.

I began exercising.

And now I'm beginning my career again at a new company.

Honestly, choosing to change jobs has probably been the hardest decision of this re-invention process.  Why?  I wasn't miserable at my old job.  I just needed more money/recognition.  I learned valuable skills and made lasting friendships there.  So the decision to leave was not an easy one.  I know that money isn't everything, but I've been really financially struggling for a while.

So yesterday I began my new career at my new company.  I can tell there are some things I will love and some things I will hate, but overall, I feel that I have made the right move for my career right now.

At my old company, I was reminded over and over again that I could come back if I was unhappy, and I just need to get that thought out of my head.  I need to go forward with the idea that I'm going to be happy at this new place and it is going to be a great opportunity for growth.  All of the people on the team have been so great.  I'm not the only new one in my department.  Of less than 10 Data Management personnel, 4 of us have started in the last 6 weeks.  It is nice that I wont be the only one stumbling through alone.  This new company has less structure and documented processes.  This has it's benefits and weaknesses---it can be hard to know what is expected without the processes, but starting new means maybe I can be the one to help put these processes in place and help to make the company better.

You know what else is great?

I've just pushed my re-set button.  I'm somewhere new.  No one there knows the size 26 Hollee.  They are meeting the size 14/16 confident version of me.  I didn't realize how nice that would feel.  To know that none of them have this preconceived idea about me based on the fact that I'm morbidly obese.  It's nice to get a fresh start sometimes.


  1. Sometimes a fresh start is exaclty what we need, and the hardest thing to get started! Good work and keep at it!

  2. I'm using this post as motivation for nee to stay on track. I'm looking at new jobs and opportunities and even though i had hoped to be further along in the weight loss process I'm going to embrace the healthier choices i need to make and the changes in the future.

    I'm reallyreally glad that your new job is of to such a positive start!

  3. So glad the new job is working out!
    I do have to say, this has been like a brand new start and I like it! I like that I an try again tomorrow.

  4. How Exciting! I love a fresh Start. Good luck!

  5. Can't wait to hear about your first week!!! Fresh starts are always awesome.


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