It's electric!

In about 22 hours I will be running the electric run 5k with Patrice and 2 other friends. Exciting? I guess.

I was really excited about my mini trip with friends until Wednesday...then my spirit got broken.

When I first signed up for the electric run in April with Patrice, she couldn't stop talking about us getting together to pick costumes to run in. The VERY FIRST THING I said was "I don't care what we wear, just please keep my body type in mind." Patrice was insistent I'd be at my goal weight by the race, but I knew I wasn't going to lose 80 pounds in 4 months. As someone who has never struggled with her weight, I guess she has no concept of how difficult it is or how long it takes to lose a total of 150 pounds. Anyway, she finally agreed to be mindful of me with whatever she picked.

Two weeks ago, she sent a link to a light up tutu one of the girls purchased for the race. It was cute....but it was "one size fits most", and according to the sizing chart, "most" are an 8-10. I responded the tutu wouldn't fit me and she only said "ok" so I assumed that meant "ok we will pick something else".

By Wednesday, when Patrice hadn't mentioned costumes with only two days left to the race, I asked. Apparently the three other girls chose to get the tutus anyway.

My feelings were so hurt. I cried for over an hour at work because I felt so left out. I even started to think about not going to the race anymore.

I took a few hours to think about it, and finally sent Patrice a text to tell her I wasn't going to Charlotte for the run. She asked why and I just told her I was hurt and upset that they would be so inconsiderate of my feelings. Apparently it hadn't occurred to her that I would feel this way and she offered to not wear her tutu so I would feel more comfortable. That wasn't the point.

I appreciate the after thought, but it just reminds me of why I don't want to be the fat friend anymore! I guess I'll just file this away in my motivation folder and move on.

I ended up buying some Tulle and making my own tutu. It isn't fancy, sexy, and have lights on it like theirs, but it will have to do. I feel a little like a cow in it too, but I want to wear it anyway.

Hopefully it can still be a good night :-/


  1. I'm sorry your friends didn't take your feelings into account. Whenever I want to be sure I'll be accommodated, I know I have to take charge because, on a basic level, people who have never been big just don't get it. I think it's great that you are going anyway, and I hope you'll end up enjoying it. And I bet you look cute in your handmade tutu!

  2. It's weird how people are our friends but they don't always think about the challenges that plus sized girls face. I don't think that it's intentional--but I think that sometimes they don't see us as being 'bigger' or 'different', they just see us as their friends--and maybe don't take into account the differences in sizes--because they love us anyways.

    I think that your tutu looks totally awesomely cute--and you will ROCK IT! Besides, now you can be the butterfly in a field of the same flowers!

  3. I'm so glad you're going anyway and I bet you'll have a great time! (Also? Your tutu is probably way better.)

  4. I agree with Austin Bander...your tutu is WAY better! I've been in this situation before with bridesmaids dresses, so I know exactly how you feel.

    I'm glad you decided to go though! You will feel like such a badass when the race is done.

  5. Your tutu is awesome. Screw thier tutus!

  6. Woman! You look amazing in it!

  7. Love the tutu girl, you are rockin' it! I'm glad you're still going and I'm sorry your friends weren't considerate about your feelings. Have fun at the run :)

  8. You are rockin' the tutu! Can't wait to hear how the race goes!

  9. I love the tutu! I'm so sorry your friend was not more considerate. I understand the feeling, I am the only fat girl in my group. Our friends love us, and see us for who we ARE so sometimes they forget we are overweight. I have had friends accidently go to tell me a story about someone fat! Um, HELLO!


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