Back to Reality + Being Called "Fat"

Happy Monday!

I woke up...or rather, was woken up, to an unexpected compliment this morning.  My phone kept going off before 6am, so I woke up to find several facebook messages from a friend I made in March at Steffi's wedding in Germany- Ruth.  She told me she could tell I've lost a lot of weight and wanted to know how.  Explaining the Lap Band surgery to my friend and her husband in Germany was quite hard, and I don't think they ever really understood what it is or what it does, so I decided to just tell Ruth about all of the habit changes I've made-- no bread, no pasta, no rice, no soda, and lots of exercise! 

It was nice to hear that people can tell just from pictures!

I'm back at work this morning after my beach weekend, and thankful it is another 4 day workweek.  Electric run in Charlotte on Friday night!

The beach was okay... definitely not what I expected.  There was a lot of BFF decided to invite another girl.  Since she was paying for the trip, I didn't say anything about it, but this other girl was NOTHING BUT DRAMA.  I don't do drama, so I ended up keeping to myself most of the time.  Her husband showed up half way through the trip, which I thought was rude.  Even my BFF didn't know he was coming to crash our girls' weekend.

But do you know what takes the cake?  Her husband called me a "fat bitch".  I was so caught off guard.  First of all, that his wife didn't say something to him.  I would never allow my spouse to disrespect any woman like that.  Not to mention she was quite a bit bigger than me, so I couldn't believe he would say that.  I was a little tipsy at the time.  Normally I would not confront someone about talking trash to me, but I guess I had a little liquid encouragement.  I simply said to him "When you have lost 90 pounds, and worked HALF as hard as I have, and run a 5k, then you have the right to call me fat.  Until then, shut your mother f***ing mouth."  That was the last thing I said to him the entire trip. 

I'm not sure I would've had the confidence to stand up for myself 10 months ago.  I think this is the first time I've been called fat since surgery.  It didn't hurt my feelings as much as it just made me angry.  I guess it didn't hurt my feelings since I don't really FEEL fat anymore.

So glad to be away from those drama-filled people!

I'll be needing another beach trip in my near future to rectify this one!

With my BFF on the Beach

In the hotel room before going out Friday night
Laying on the Beach


  1. sorry you had such a bad weekend... and you are not the F word.. you look awesome!

  2. you look amazing! I love your red swimsuit top. from what I can see it deffinitely flatters your figure! And don't let that a$$hole get you down. You responded perfectly. How rude to go on a trip and then have someone crash where they were not welcome. I'll bet your friend thinks about inviting other people the next time she plans something like that!

    1. Thank you!

      Yeah, she definitely said that from now on, it's just us. There was no doubt we would've had a better time by ourselves!

  3. Ugh, stupid men. Always having to put uppity women down, lest they think they're as good as men, or better than douchebags.

    You look fantastic! And where did you get that dress? Because I need it in my life.

    1. Target! I love the dress...the back is the best part of it. It's all lacey... I love when the back of a dress is spectacular. The front is cute, and then you see the's like 'wow'. haha.

  4. Some people have absolutely no class!!
    I love your swimsuit! Where is it from?

    1. Belks! I got it on sale 2 weeks ago, 70% off!!

  5. I'm so glad you stood up to that douche. :)


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