April showers bring May flowers

Happy Monday Morning!

It's rainy here, but I can't even complain after a BEAUTIFUL weekend! 

Saturday I woke up and decided to go to the 8:30am bootcamp instead of 9:15 per my usual routine, but when I got there realized class actually started at 8am!  Fail!  So while I was "waiting on the next class" (which I didn't make it to), I went to home depot and decided my house needed some sprucing up!  I spent $14 and got 5 small plants to go around my mailbox, a bag of soil, and two hanging baskets of flowers!  Everything was on sale, they had signs up saying it was Springtime Black Friday.  Sweet.  Except it was Saturday, whatever.

I went home and planted flowers, weeded my flower bed...which hasn't started to look nice yet--hopefully that is soon to come, sweeped my front and back 'porch' areas.  Unfortunately, during all of this I was feeling quite dizzy.  I couldn't figure out what in the world was going on with me!  It wasn't until late afternoon that I realized I had forgotten 2 days in a row of my anti-depressant.  I was beginning to go through withdrawal.

During my dizzy spell I lost my balance and smashed my phone.  I had never done that before.  Off to Verizon for a new phone.

The rest of my Saturday consisted of lunch with my dear friend and her kids for her birthday and a cookout later with another friend.  I brought my sweet scared pup to the cookout because I didn't want to leave him home alone all day and he had the best time checking out her bunny!

Sunday I stayed home and rested, relaxed.  It was really nice.  I feel so rejuvenated today! 

A few weekend photos:

New flowers around the mailbox.  I'll get stones to go around it when I have a little extra money.
New bird bath.  Best part is that it's base is hollow, and it's covering an ugly sewer drain!
New hanging baskets!

I know, #foodporn.  or #candybarporn
I made my sweet friend a bouquet of chocolate because she's allergic to flowers.

Even my dog eats better than me!
A puppy cupcake <3


  1. I love that the bird bath is covering a sewer drain! I also love the puppy cupcake! Sometimes I don't know what I would do without my puppy.

  2. Making that amazing house even MORE amazing. I love it!

    Wrangler is the cutest!


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