Ten Things Thursday

1.  Still loving my new job, but I can tell I'm going to be busy.  But busy is good!

2.  I haven't had time to do my usual at work blog reading.  Do any of you use an app on your phone to read blogs?  I need one, and would love a suggestion on which one is good.

3.  I'm retaining water something serious.  :(

4.  I've been going to the morning bootcamps and that trainer is just not as hard.  Last night I planned my evening around making it to the 6:45pm bootcamp so that I could see my friend who is the owner/evening trainer.  She really kicked my butt.  I was sweating in a way I haven't in a while.

5.  I found the most awesome strapless bra at Lane Bryant.  Although most of their clothes are too big now, I still need them for bras.  I got measured again and am a 38DDD.  I didn't want to believe it so I tried the 38D and there was no way in hell.  The 38DDD strapless was PERFECT.  It supports and lifts and does all the wonderful things a regular bra does. I could wear it on an every day type basis honestly.

6.  This company loves bread too.  Sandwiches and bagels, oh my.

7.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays they pop popcorn for the employees.  I went to check it out Tuesday and found out they only use coconut oil to pop, no butter or salt.  It's an 'add your own' toppings type popcorn.  Maybe my band will tolerate popcorn.  Haven't really tried it much in the last 18 months.

8.  I'm having lunch today with my manager- who is also the Director of my department.  At lunch I plan to tell her about my WLS because it's just too hard to hide.

9.  Speaking of, yesterday, I had my first coworker ask if I had gastric bypass.  After seeing some old pictures I hung in my cube and then realizing I had nothing but protein shakes and yogurt yesterday (she sits beside me) she put 2 and 2 together and just asked.  I told her I had the band and she wanted to chat about it.  Once one person knows, everyone knows.  Le sigh.

10.  I have a little instagram crush on a WLS guy.  I am not the kind of girl to get internet crushes, but this guy is so nice and positive and his WLS journey has been so inspiring to me.


  1. hey if you get an answer to #2 please share.. I would love to be able to read them on the weekends. Im tooo lazy to pull out and turn on the lap top when I am not at work. but I am always on my phone :) hope your day is great

  2. I use bloglovin for reading my blogs on my phone and online. It's great! It keeps them all unread until I click to read them :-)

  3. i can't help on the app thing--i just read them all on my phone when i'm not at work. and i usually pull up my own page and see who has updated on my blogroll to that i can just link on them.

    as for your WLS discussion with your manager, that's entirely up to you what you want to share and not share--but if you didn't want people to know, you can choose to not tell your manager or coworkers--i wouldn't have--and i don't plan on it. people drink protien shakes and eat yogurt all the time when they diet--and with the flux if protien shakes on the market, everyone has them anymore--they aren't surgery specific!

    and thanks for the comments on my post this morning!

    good luck with the popcorn--i've tried it a few times and it seems to do okay with a handfull eaten one piece at a time. :)

  4. I'm so glad you are loving the job, and it sounds like you are building support for yourself there. :). I could eat popcorn all day, not that I should. I'd love to try popped in coconut oil though!

  5. Glad you are liking your new job!

    My biggest worry is eating at work after my surgery... I swear their go-to foods are pasta, pizza, and Subway.

  6. OH my goodness I'm addicted to popcorn. I have to limit myself or I could just eat it every single day!

    You are great to openly talk about your band, maybe your co-worker will not SPREAD it around to everyone?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Feedly is the app I use.


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