Boudoir Shoot!

The days leading up to my Boudoir shoot yesterday, I was excited!  But then yesterday came, and I'll be honest... a little fear began to creep in.

I was afraid I would hate every photo.  I was afraid that at the end of the shoot, I would hate my body.

I got there a little early and had my hair and makeup started.  The girl who did it was amazing and so nice.  We talked and she made me feel so comfortable.  I did curly hair and dramatic makeup.  It was fun to get all dolled up, I got the girl's number so that she can do my birthday hair and makeup!

Dressing room selfie as I waited between outfit changes

The photo shoots themselves were a lot of fun.  Afterward I got to go through the photos and choose "Maybes" and "Nos" to narrow my choices.

I had 23 maybes!

Then I narrowed it to 9.  geez.... 

And finally got it down to 4.  I got 1 free edited photo, and chose to take the other 3 unedited so that I didn't have to pay crazy amounts for them.

I haven't decided yet if I will post them.  They're very tasteful and don't show much skin at all.  They'll be back in 3 weeks.  If it would offend any of you for me to post them, please let me know that!  I value your input and feedback!


  1. wow the selfie looks amazing...

  2. Okay… I have always wanted to do this for John. I love that you had an amazing experience! You look absolutely stunning. I can see why you didn't want to sleep on your hair and mess it up!

  3. Are you kidding?! Post away! I've also always wanted to do a set, but have always been too scaredy cat afraid! You look gorgeous!

  4. I love your hair! You're looking great! Keep up the good work!

  5. You better share them! You are stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing your whole self. It's beautiful!!!

  6. I would LOVE to see them and I've also thought about doing something like this. Great to hear that you had such a good experience!

  7. I would LOVE to see them! I want to do a shoot like that but I am totally scared.


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