It's kind of ironic that I didn't start to find comfort in my own body until the last three my highest weight ever. I was always the biggest kid. Although several years younger than my sisters, I always looked their age. I was as tall and big as them for as long as I can remember. That is until around fourth grade, and I became taller. I've been the same height, 5'9, since fifth grade. In addition to my height, I was always the biggest kid. It wasn't easy being taller and bigger than everyone else. Then in eighth grade, after not making the basketball team, I joined weight watchers at 220 pounds. The truth of the matter is that I stopped eating. I only ate egg whites and green beans, and OCCASIONALLY had a SmartOnes frozen dinner. I drank cans of diet soda to fill me up in the mornings. Looking back, I know that what I was doing wasn't healthy, but it worked! In 6 short months, I was 160 pounds. But I still ...