Looking forward....

I was just thinking about things I'm looking forward to in the near future....

Seeing my favorite band SHINY TOY GUNS twice in February...and the fact that the next time I have photos made with them, I will be quite a bit lighter than I was in November when I saw them. At the show on November 4, I had only lost about 30 pounds.  My new pictures with the band should be off the charts compared to the last ones.

BUT....the other thing I am REALLY looking forward to.... is fitting into an airplane seat more comfortably.  I love to travel, but the seats have just not been comfortable for me for a very long time.  I can't remember the last time I flew without having to ask for a seatbelt extender. 

In March, I will be taking a trip to London/Germany for a wedding.  That is a LONG flight to be uncomfortable.  Not to mention, the last time I saw my friend in Germany, I weighed 344 pounds.  Yes, I just said it.  That was my starting weight.  I can't wait to see her face when she sees me!  Although she has seen photos of me on facebook, it's never quite the same as seeing someone who has transformed their body in person.

Although I HATE powdered Whey protein, I am planning to pack some so that I will have meal options.  I know that when I was in Germany 9 years ago, the meals were very carb heavy.  I thought I'll also have my band tightened right before I go (saves money and keeps me on track haha).  Anyone else have any post-lap band traveling advice?


  1. Lap Band Gal has travelled TONS! Check out some of her older posts! Great advice.

  2. Do NOT get a fill before you travel! I get super tight when I travel and have to work really hard to find food that will go down. I'm not sure if it is the actual flying or the stress of being out of my routine but every time I have traveled - to Ireland, Rincon and even just a long road trip I totally loose my desire to eat and have gotten stuck. Just my 2 cents! Lucky you seeing Shiny Toy Guns ~ I love them.

  3. Awesome to find another STG fan!! I have loved them for many years and I've seen them live 4 times :)

    And thanks for the advice. I thought if I got a fill before my trip it would keep me on a strictly liquid diet. But I guess it will be really hard to explain to everyone why I'm not eating...

  4. I packed some protein bars for the times when I can't find something to eat...I also packed some crystal light packs in case I get bored with the non-bubbly choices(but I hate water) CAn't believe you mentioned a weight...I think that is the first time I have heard you say one---how exciting to see your friend though!!

  5. Your trip sounds like a lot of fun! I'd love to go to Germany--there's a ton of German in my ancestry (not to mention I have a classic thick German build!).

    Sounds like we're about even with the starting weight; I'm sitting at around 338 right now. Can't wait to see that number start to shrink.

  6. Yes, it's definitely the first time I have said my weight Jennxaz. I have just stopped caring about what people think of what I weigh(ed). It is just a number....which I'm working my ass off (literally) to reduce.

  7. I am really liking the Unjury Protien powder. Not sure if you've tried that. It reminds me of Hot Chocolate packets. They help me in a pinch. Love reading your blog!

  8. I started near the same as you, at 318. That is the absolute heaviest I have ever been and I remember the shock I felt stepping on that scale which quickly dissipated into pure motivation. I never, ever in my life want to see a weight like that on a scale again. It is wonderful to read your blog and follow your success. You are truely an inspiration!!


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