
Just a quick update that I'm feeling very optimistic about my most recent appeal.

Yesterday I got the letter from BCBS acknowledging receipt of my appeal.  It included in it the name and telephone number of the person handling my case.

So this morning I called her and in my sweetest voice I told her that I was concerned because I couldn't find documentation of an ER visit from March 2013 but BCBS was my insurance company then.  She located it, but stated that she had looked through my case and I had "more than enough" documentation and this one ER visit wouldn't make a huge difference.

She took my phone number and said she would be in touch if there was anything she needed.

It very much sounded like she is going to approve me. 

24 more days to wait for an answer....


  1. AWWWWW I really hope so...use "the Secret" and already speak in terms that you got approved..it will happen...actually it already did, right!?!?! YES...keeping my prayers out there for you!

  2. So happy to hear this! Sending good thoughts and positive vibes your way. Keep us posted!

  3. weight destroyer program - weight loss : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k6MT44ORjY


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