Life ....or Something Like it
There was once a time that my blog was therapy to me. It seems now I neglect my blog for actual therapy- but that is probably a good thing. It has been 2 years since I wrote a post. It isn't for lack of wanting to, I just don't want to be fake on here, and there were times that I felt like I could not be transparent or myself, so I chose not to write. It was nothing to do with weight loss/gain- I will always be transparent there, but my life was a little upside down and sideways at times over the last few years. I am finally at a place that I can be me, so here I am again. Being me isn't all pretty- but it's honest. The last two years have been...busy. I had my skin removal surgery on January 27, 2022. I'm almost 19 months post-op, and it was hell! The surgery itself went great: -Lower Body Lift with Belt Lipectomy -Breast Lift with Augmentation The healing process was the hardest. I didn't feel like "myself" for about 6 months and t...