Just keep swimming
Hi Bloggers! I try to keep my motivation to blog, but it's really hard. I hate being a negative nancy, so I want to blog happy things, but life isn't all rainbows and butterflies. But I'm here anyway, because several weeks ago, a follower contacted me on facebook to tell me I have really inspired her and made a difference in her life. She isn't someone who ever commented on my blog or anything like that, so you never really know who you're inspiring. I have been going to Boot Camp religiously, but the scale hasn't moved. I'm sitting pretty on this plateau, and although it's frustrating, I'm not surprised. My trainer has changed my eating habits and quite honestly, I'm terrified. He has me eating 1900 calories a day and keeping my macros at 45% protein, 35% carbs, and 20% fat. As a weight loss surgery patient, eating 1900 calories a day is SCARY. I can't help wondering if this is why I haven't seen a change in the scale. I hav...